September 16, 2024 1:40 am

Your online source for retail solutions

September 16, 2024 1:40 am

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Building a Loyal Customer Base for a New Small Business

The ribbon has been cut and you’ve just welcomed the neighborhood into your new, small business. Customers are thoroughly perusing the aisles. They don’t want to overlook any welcome addition to their homes, whether it be healthy produce, some flavorful treats, the latest children’s games, or accessories for their teenagers. Business is off to a […]

Tips to Deter Armed Robberies at Small Businesses

“Empty your register now!” It is a terrifying refrain heard all too often by employees at bodegas, tiendas and convenience stores. The threat is usually made by a thief with a weapon, such as a gun, knife or baseball bat, late at night or in the early morning hours. Statistics show a rapid and distressing […]

The Critical Importance of an Online Presence

Small business owners who only operate brick-and-mortar establishments should very strongly consider expanding their marketplace presence into the online world. A store website created and maintained properly is a nearly surefire avenue to greatly increase profits. It is also a critical necessity to achieve and maintain success. Online shopping has exploded exponentially over the past […]